The decentralization goal of the Neutrino community nodes program has been achieved because there is no longer a need to decentralize huge amount of WAVES reserves. In addition to this, nodes’ profits are significantly reduced. Some users quit the program and their leasings get canceled.
To address this issue our team would like to initiate discussion for 7 days (till May 10th) and after that conduct voting between node owners. Our suggestions are:
- Terminate the program for all users and return all the security deposits to the participants. All the canceled leasings are returned to the main Neutrino node.
- Terminate the program for 50% random participants using the block VRF function and return their security deposits. Redistribute the canceled leasings to the remaining participants manually.
- Leave everything as it is and let users quit the program on request. Participants who quit the program will get back their security deposits. All the canceled leasings are returned to the main Neutrino node.
Note. In option #3 the Neutrino team has no plans to redistribute canceled leasings to the remaining participants or develop automation that will do it since the development of such mechanics is a quite time-consuming and complicated process.
We would like to know your opinion about the proposed options. You could also offer your own solution.
After that, the participants of the node program for 5 days (till May 14) will vote for their preferred option by calling the invocation with a parameter. The parameter will indicate the user’s choice. Only program participants will be able to vote.
Abstentions will be considered as having not voted for any of the options. A quorum is not required. The option with the most votes will be implemented.